Monday, June 20, 2011

Good Life

Just wanted a recap of my 2011 so far.

-Acceptance to all the graduate programs I applied to
-Commencement ceremonies (My cousin's and my own. Yay, Yasseen!)
-Went to Australia, climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and fed a kangaroo and koala (not at the same time)
-Went to England and Amsterdam
-Realized how much I enjoy postcards
-Went to Syracuse and decided that is where I wanted to continue studying
-Showed two good friends a good time during their first trip to Vegas
-Experienced the Taste of Texas with my family
-My sister dyed her hair blue
-Realized how close I am to my family
-Helped my brother move into the house
-Skydiving for the first time
-Wakeboarding for the first time
-Learned how to shoot a gun
-Momo dyed her hair blue
-New road bike
-Editing all of Massi's freaking essays
-Discovered real pain via inflammed Iliotibial Bands.
-Learned how to correctly and most efficiently throw punches
-Long jumped almost 70 inches
-Worked hard for perfect abs
-Went to Free Press Summer Fest for the first time
-Learned how to make pancakes
-Won concert tickets over the radio for the first time
-Worked an art show
-Ran my first 5K ever in 34 minutes and 39 seconds
-Learned how to change the oil in my car
-Received the title to my car
-Took my brother to his first concert, Juanes!
-Signed my first lease
-Fermented juice at home
-Toured the Blue Bell Ice Creameries
-Discovered a true passion for intense Zumba workouts and plyometrics
-Felt heartbreak during the Superbowl
-Saw the Blue Man Group (Did I mention Momo dyed her hair blue?)
-Went to the Rodeo Cook Off for the first time
-Went to my first live cage fight and sat ringside
-Went blueberry picking
-My program at school upgraded me to an iPhone
-Made friends and more friends
-Found someone that treats me right

I still have half of a year left to squeeze what I can in. Won't you join me? Let's go!

"Now I, I go for mine, I got to shine
Now throw your hands up in the sky" -Kanye

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Steady As She Goes

Sixteen-ish days left before the big move.

I finally found a place to stay. I have three roommates and my own room. It should be fun.

I also found someone that I really like. Of course, I am leaving. I don't think it would be fair for me to keep someone waiting for me, 1600 miles away. She says that maybe we should've met later, after our lives were all situated, but, as I always mention, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.

We don't have specific titles or rules. We take care of our own business and still find time for each other, whether it is talking about anything in bed or hitting up a music festival. It's nice. Someone that actually treats me right and is sure about their sexuality. This is a new one for me. We've agreed to just enjoy what we have going on now, but it's getting serious and we both know we are in trouble. Oi.

I started burying my head in the books, again, to keep me busy. Began to touch up on Mass Media and Visual Communication Theory, Marjane Satrapi for leisure, Deepak Chopra for enlightenment and life lessons, Made to Stick by Chip & Dan Heath.It's been good. Everyone should read a little more. I feel incredibly more intelligent looking when I carry around a book, whether that actually makes me more intelligent or not, eh... We will find out.

In addition to my noggin growing, so have the muscles. When I move, I lose my fancy pants gym membership to the fancy pants gym that I've been working at for the past two years. I refuse to become a polar bear when I move up north. Regardless, I tried boxing stuff for the first time yesterday at an exclusive work out that I was invited to. My shoulders and lats are incredibly sore, and my fingers are still shaking since I wasn't able to wrap my hands. My knuckles are bruised and my left wrist is slightly swollen. Regardless, I feel like a bad ass and I am at the top of my game.

A lot of people come up with some really lame excuses not to exercise or perform even the slightest bit of physical activity. Go for a freaking walk, run through a sprinkler system, play fetch with your dog... anything can easily be exercise!

It's for your own livelihood, so stop crying and start moving.