Sunday, January 15, 2012

'Till I Can Get My Satisfaction

I spent the second half of break recovering from an infection in my lymph nodes.
I spent all break attempting to make everyone happy, and realized one thing: It is extremely difficult to completely please anyone.
No matter how many visits to my grandparents, there will never be enough. No matter how difficult the subject, an A- is still higher than a B+. No matter how many years you’ve been teaching, mentoring and tutoring, it means nothing if it can’t get you an interview for that instructional assistant position.
I don’t understand why no one is satisfied anymore and we’re always demanding more and more and more and more, etc. “Yes, we noticed that you taught middle school students in Houston’s Fifth Ward for a couple of years, and rock climbing to special needs students for a few years as well, but can you tap dance while juggling? Oh, that’s a shame.” I don't mind high expectations, that's what causes progress, but some demands are just near impossible.
We have become so dependent on everything else to bring us some sense of fulfillment. It is amazing how no one works for anything anymore. Everyone wants everything so bad, but they’re incredibly contradictory and/or lazy.
“I want to learn Spanish, but my Rosetta Stone isn’t GIVING me results, so I don’t see the point in trying anymore.”
“I’m so broke that I could barely afford my stupid textbook, now I have no money. I am going to complain about it on Facebook, right after I post a picture of this hot new dress I bought for the weekend.”
“I want to lose weight, but these pills I’ve been taking haven’t been working. Can you get me a Coke from the fridge while you’re up?”
“I want a better relationship with this person, but I don’t see why I have to invest the time and effort to talk to them. Can’t they just message me instead?”
“I work all the time and pick up overtime to provide for my kids, but when I get home late, I am too tired to talk to them and make sure everything’s okay.”
I know I sound incredibly cynical, but I am sure everyone has witnessed some variation of this. I am going to acknowledge that I have been super lazy at some point or another. I just wish more people take notice of their problems and take the initiative to do something. Make time to get it done and don't look for the easy way out.
On a side note, I am also frustrated that I’ve been scolded at for spending New Year’s in Mexico City, especially since it is such a beautiful place. Even the guy scanning my passport at immigration couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t spend it in the U.S. and go to a dangerous and dirty country like Mexico, and I felt stupid because I actually had to explain myself to this ignorant bastard to pass through. I have three years left to use my parents’ flight benefits and I’m not going to let it go to waste. That’s that. I’ve been to Sydney, Amsterdam, Las Vegas, Cancun, and Niagara Falls in 2011. Why should I need anyone’s approval to go anywhere at anytime?

Try to stop me.

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