Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's a New Dawn, It's a New Day, It's a New Life

I have a week until I start receiving acceptance letters to graduate schools I applied to.
It is crazy to think that in four months I will possibly living across the country, starting a dual-masters program and a new life at Syracuse University.

Am I excited? Yes.
Am I scared? Yes, out of my mind.

I have been incredibly spoiled until this point. I have:
- Two great parents, who have been married for 25 years, support me in everything that I do, and have never given me a reason to want to leave home.
- A younger sister. Momo lives down the hall, completes my sentences and quotes our favorite movies. She is my best friend and favorite musician.
- Family throughout the city of Houston. For most of them, I can ride my bike to go visit. Mamanjoon and Babajoon (grandparents) live a couple of blocks away, an uncle and his family are literally next door to us, and a couple of others are a few streets over.
- Friends that were readily available for lunch dates and much needed talks.

Why would I want to leave? I don't. However, I need to. I have worked too hard and learned from the best. I owe it to myself to continue with the best and expand my opportunities. That is my Miss America "World Peace" answer, and I am sticking to it.

In a little more than a week, I take two good friends on their first trip to Vegas. (March 17-21)
In a little more than a month, I will be going to Australia for the first time. (April 14-25)
Right after that, there is the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival with stellar lineups. (May 5-8)
In a little more than two months, I will be backpacking through Europe. (May 16-31)
In a little more than three months, I could be visiting Iran for my very first time. (Dates and Iranian passport need to be taken care of.)

I am 22-years-old and I have not been to either of my parents' countries. This makes me incredibly sad, especially since I do not have a legitimate excuse for not going. I fly to most places free, because of mom and dad's flight benefits, and I have family on almost every continent.

I shall be sure to post pics and vids of the travels (I am going on a budget, so I will be sure to share any tips I discover). I am currently bidding on a camera via eBay, which brings me to the next topic.

I, Nadia Hakim, am addicted to eBay. It is ruining my life and sleeping patterns. On a more positive note, so far I have won a new aluminum road bike and Jack Wolfskin 70 L backpack.


So what am I doing now?

I am teaching indoor rock climbing. I usually work with kids and I have a few students with disabilities (i.e. autism, under developed motor skills). They have taught me more than I could ever teach them, and constantly remind me that anything is possible. I doubt that I can find better laughs, hugs, knuckle bumps, or toothless smiles anywhere else. I love what I do and it has been the best job I have had during my undergraduate studies.

For a paycheck that can actually fund my trips, I have started contract work with 3 Mark Financial, taking care of data input. It is easy and mundane, but the pay is great, hours are flexible, and it was a 2 month contract, so I will be done in time to play.


Promise to start posting more.

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